Wise Mind Masterclass
🧠Do you want to spend more time in the present moment?
🧠Do you want to feel confident in your decision-making?
The best way to learn is by doing.
Wise Mind is the wisdom within you that sees the value of both reason AND emotion.
In this masterclass, you'll learn:
🧠About the wise mind
🧠How to know when you're in wise mind
🧠How to tap into the wise mind
🧠Ideas for practicing the wise mind
Please note: the objective of this class is NOT to feel good all the time - it's to learn how to manage your thoughts and emotions effectively, which can lead to an increase in your overall happiness and well-being (yay) 😊.
So what do you say?
Are you ready to show up for yourself and learn some life-changing skills?
See you in class!
XO, Vic 💜
lifetime access to the wise mind masterclass recording, digital and printable course companion with exercises!